Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Denna, you will be missed.

Denna passed away today. She had a series of strokes coming out of surgery, and went brain-dead. They took her off life support this morning.

I don't even know how to react. She was such an amazing person- she comes across a little rough, but she had such a strong will and so much dedication to helping others. She provided Christmas and medical care, tough love to kids who needed it, kept us out of trouble and motivated us to never be satisfied with anything less than perfection. She brought some of us from crossrails to the Marshall and Sterling finals. She wasn't afraid to be honest, but you could always count on her to be understanding when you needed it.

She made us 'STRONG LIKE BULL,' challenged us to become better riders and better people. She taught us to see a goal and commit, like committing to a distance in a line. She taught us that "90% of life, riding, and everything else is just believing that you can do it." She kept us grounded, and was a second mom to so many of us.

So we keep our chins up, in honor of Denna. We strive for perfection, because that's what she would have wanted us to do. We are going to pull together and get through this- I know it. She's better off, and she wouldn't want us crying over her anyways. After all, we are strong like bull, aren't we?

In memory of Denna- we all love you so much.

More on Denna:


  1. Losses suck.

    But...had some random medical student thoughts about your there a DO in your area that could do some OMT? I had my DO adjust my hips and it made such a difference in my riding...I could sit so evenly! Also, perhaps some stretching before you ride would help relax your leg.

    But LOL, like I am strong enough to really be doing a lot of riding! I can live vicariously through your shows! :)

  2. Thanks :) I know, she was so special to all of us. Her memorial is Friday- hoo boy.

    Anyways, I had never thought of having my hips adjusted.. That actually makes a lot of sense. Yeah, we do stretches a la Denna- leg in front/above the saddle, leg behind, repeat haha.

    I actually just had a show last weekend. I'll have to make a post when I get some time :D
