Very nice ride today. Sacrificed my equitation today in the name of getting her attention, and while it wasn't pretty, it was functional. For example, she's sneaky- we'll be riding down the long side closest to the mare pasture, and I'll see her ear slooowly rotate toward the field.. and next second, her nose tilts just a fraction of an inch outwards... and the little booger is ogling them out the corner of her eye. If I'm not paying attention, I can lose her focus so quickly, and without even noticing because, again, she's subtly naughty. (Or just normal ADD baby.)
We had a lovely square halt, despite the fact I was adjusting my reins.
Keeping her occupied with the cavaletti. (Holy hock action, Batman!)
I feel like a raptor when I canter. Although my seat is 10000x better. You just can't tell because I'm standing in my stirrups, hahaha. Really, even though she's all kinds of strung out, I'm glad that she isn't fighting my hand. (Or lack thereof.) That's really why I'm posting this.
Left lead is better too. You can definitely tell this is the side she's overdeveloped on.
Extending that trot. Man, we were all but floating. (Yep, definitely a training ride. Lack of elbows, hahahaa.) This trot is made of blood, sweat, and tears, my friend. Blood, sweat, and tears.
Lastly, long and low canter on the buckle. Whew.
So the name of the game today was transitions. Transitions transitions transitions.
She KNOWS her walk to canter depart. Knows it BAM. But, she was blowing me off in an ugly way. I'd sit back and cue and she'd just run into it. So unfortunately, it was crop time. I hate getting aggressive, but it only took one good crack behind my leg before she started behaving herself.
Anyways, it's too late at night for me to say much else.
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