Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cross country schooling.

This one is my favorite. We jumped a lot of stuff, like tires threaded on a log, banks, a bunch of coops, a ditch (after I walked Bunny up to it and she put her foot in it *eyeroll*) and a water hazard, but the logs were my favorite. Probably because they are just logs. There. Cylindrical. I have never done this before and was, quite frankly, terrified.

Couldn't have gone with a better group of girls, though. It was more or less the last grand hoorah because most of us are changing barns this month and won't have another opportunity to do this again. Brittany and Madeline both have done prelim, so at least we weren't being entirely reckless? Paige and I have never really done anything like this before at all.

Bunny was fabulous, by the way. She loved it. Every second of it.

Position failure. This fence scared the sh!t out of me, mostly because it was a weird shape and I couldn't see a distance to it. It's teeny, but whatever. She carried me straight to it, even though, as you can see by my lovely eq, I was not really entirely certain about it.

Madeline on her little pony (she usually events with her big honking Oldenburg, but Magic is on springs even in his old age, lololol), me, Paige and Chagall, and Sarah and How-D.
I have to say, it boosted my confidence 1000%. I have a show this weekend, and I have just been stressing out over it constantly. It was really what I needed- to just go out there, let her go, and realize I can make little mistakes and live to tell about it.

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