Monday, September 20, 2010


So I have been busy out of my mind. Everything is coming together all at once, and it is kind of overwhelming. I am volunteering at an equine-assisted therapy place as an exercise rider, working a dressage queen's pony, and working off lessons from Patti. Patti has put me on the fast track for the ECQHA shows almost faster than I have had time to adjust. Which I love! Oh, and I am 4H president. Yeah... hahaha.

Anyways, in terms of training, Patti has hooked me up. I cannot believe how generous she is. I would probably jump off a cliff for this woman. She has me with a very good showmanship competitor, who is showing me the ropes. Let's just say it took me twenty minutes just to kind of master the "presenting the horse to the judge" step thing. It is not my first calling, but I am going to give it a whirl and see if we can't look respectable for November.

Bunny isn't immune, either. She is being tortured for all of fifteen minutes a day on the various maneuvers. We can set up pretty well. I consider that a huge success.

I feel like this is all some sort of cosmic alignment going on here. The dressage queen wants to take me to watch her lessons with Susanne Benne and maybe let me groom for her shows, Patti is going to whip me into shape, and then today I was given two show coats- nice ones!- because they were too big for Maddie. Whattheheck, universe?

I mean, it's just funny. Patti is working out a schedule and everything. I wish I had my camera so I could show you how everything is going along. It is crazy, hahaha. I mean, I guess this is normal involved- competitor routine, but I haven't ever competed that seriously so it is all rather foreign.

Whatever, it is awesome. It is seriously like everything got dumped in my lap right when I needed it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Patti helped me the other day, and my leg is magically beautiful and my canter seat is stock-still. Although our newest assignment is more gymnastics. Bunny and I have horrible timing, and that is the best way to fix it, I s'pose. I'm fine with that.

Last night, my crash test dummy, aka Maddie, took her out to the field to school over the fences. Both did beautifully, although now I know what to look for- she gets strong during lines more than before or after them, and she absolutely does love jumping. Her little ears are pricked so forward they might snap off. We just have to put that enthusiasm to good use.

In other news, I am working at Whispering Meadows Ranch, an equine therapy facility. I am so excited- I get three horses to exercise, one of whom is an ex hunter and has the most athletic trot I have ever sat on.