Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lesson and Lateral Movements

The other day, I had a lesson with the new trainer, Robin. Sammie has picked up this annoying habit of tossing his head, regardless of the amount of contact I use, and his teeth look all right, so I'm thinking it's just a new foible. Robin recommends using a german martingale for a little while and more work in sidereins, so it looks like we might make a visit to the saddlery sometime soon. I'm not a big fan of auxiliary reins and gadgets, but I'd rather use a tie down than have my nose broken.

Other than that, our lesson went very well. She helped me refine our turns on the forehand and helped me start him on turns on the haunches. We even leg yielded some zigzags! Yay!! (You know your horse is green when you get excited over leg yields haha.) I was very proud of my boy.

As far as my equitation goes, Robin told me to practice "squashing bugs" in my stirrups when I get tense. Otherwise, the heels pop right up. She said my leg looked good the majority of the time, which is a relief because I've had to really work on it the past few weeks. I have to work on my posting too- I get lazy and post off my stirrups instead of my whole leg. Just a bunch of fairly little things to work on, I guess.

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