Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Another lesson with Allannah today. We just went over old stuff in preparation for jumping next week- flexing both ways, quick trot-halt-trot transitions, no stirrups trot work, working on getting a more collected canter. Berky was a good boy, despite the nearly 90-degree heat, and put up with us figuring out new ways to push his buttons. We've found that he likes minimal contact- about 1/4 pound feel in each rein. He rounds up beautifully (well, compared to how he usually moves) when we give him soft contact, so I think we're pretty well past that issue. For now, Allannah thinks it is all right to bump pressure up to 1/2 a pound at trot and 3/4 at canter, more for my sake than anything else. It doesn't seem to upset him, and it is not meant to be permanent.

Things I need to work on:
*Shoulders back and chin up! I get to ride with a crop behind my arms for now on.
*Not rounding my back during downward transitions.
*Keeping bend in my elbows and a SOFT feel of his mouth.
*Relaxing in canter instead of bracing for the first few strides.
*Lastly, the ever-problematic heels. I get so caught up in everything else that they are not as far down as they should be.

Things Berky needs work on:
*Keeping his attention on me.
*Bending his whole body through corners.
*Keeping a consistent tempo, even when the flat work is oh-so-boring.

He's such a sweet boy. Really, I couldn't be happier with him. He's been really responsive for the most part and was really careful with me when we were doing no-stirrup exercises. I'm probably just a doting parent, but still.

His weight is coming along pretty nicely. He's still ribby, but he is filling out through his haunches and over his neck. (His neck still looks pencil-thin, but when I compare it to what it used to look like, he looks a lot better.) He gets 4 new shoes tomorrow- lucky boy! The wet weather has just about destroyed his feet, despite judicious application of dressing, sealant, conditioner, and formaldehyde. Oh well- he hasn't been lame and hopefully shoes will keep it that way.

I HAVE TWO VIDEOS COMING! I PROMISE! Haha. YouTube's being slow.

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