Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mass confusion and widespread panic

Bunny does not care for buzzing objects with sharp metallic teeth droning around her ears. I learned that today. Now, she'll tolerate having her bridle path done, and her muzzle. She'll even sit still while I rub the (turned off) clippers all over her ears. But as soon as those babies come on, she hits the ceiling. Joyous. I refuse to twitch her over this- I'd rather do it the long way and have a few ear fuzzies than a traumatized horse. So la-di-da, another object on our list.

In other news, well, I guess some things just take a little time to sink in, for both of us. She turned off a dime today. We were regular OUTSIDE REIN MACHINES! Even in the canter. What was *not* so much fun was when Troy the Lawn Flunkie turned the new sprinklers on by mistake and I had to cling to a bolting baby who was certain we were in the middle of the apocalypse, what with the water and the spraying and the tch-tch-tch noises and.... things. Awesome.

Also. My equitation. Dear GOD, my equitation! (The lament heard to the heavens.) Hrrrrrrrg, I don't know what to do. I don't. I can ride around without stirrups for-ev-er and look great (thanks Denna), but as soon as I pick them up I just fall apart. It's ridiculous. Shouldn't it be the other way around?? And it's especially great when Allanah is shooting me disapproving glances the whole time. (Not maliciously, I imagine. More like, dear sweet God.)
Yay for trainer rivalry.

So I need to:
-Fix my lower back
-Relax my ankles
-Turn my knee out a little
-Figure out where the angle gremlins have taken my elbows
-Lift my chest.

Whoo. Better get cracking, huh? Again, the show is peachy. I'm not worried about it. I'm worried about my long-term riding abilities and developing my horse. Hrm, boot camp for me.


  1. I so hear you on the better posture with no stirrups. Maybe some longe line lessons on a bareback pad? Or continual visualizations while you are riding that you are someone that you look up to? (Beezie Madden? IDK any QH people...)

  2. I just don't understand *why* stirrups make so much trouble, hahaha. But yeah, I don't want to make myself sore, but I am trying some stretching to see how that helps.

    Actually, I read an article right after posting this, and it helped me 1000% in my riding today. I'll link it.
