Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Lesson with Allannah today. We did a lot of review-y stuff and some jumping, including working on the dreaded flowers. Oh, how I hate the flowers! Not sure why- I've jumped them a million times on other horses, but I've always disliked them and always will. Eh.

I have some oh-so-entertaining video of me and Berk on a teeeeny crossrail. Hunched shoulders ftw, man.

It started pouring midway through, so we cut things short. I'm going to have lessons once a week for the next two weeks, then a group lesson and a half-our lesson twice a week for the two after that up until the show. Fun!

Cantering. My loose lower leg of DOOM!


  1. I think the hardest thing (at least for me) is to really acknowledge and work on my shortcomings as a rider. At least you've got a set of eyes on the ground, a reliable horse, and a nice place to ride. That's definitely something to be pleased with!

  2. Exactly. I try not to forget it :) It didn't occur to me how sulky I sounded- not necessarily the case, but it's good to keep things in perspective.

  3. I wouldn't say sulky! You have to critically evaluate yourself...but at the same time, worrying endlessly over things just makes you self conscious. I have a tendency to pretend whatever horse I'm riding is Absent and I'm Podhajsky. Afterwards, though, bring on the corrections!!! :)
